What Dinosaur Has 500 Teeth? [With Pictures]

what dinosaur has 500 teeth?

In this Article we are going to learn What Dinosaur has 500 teeth.

Nigersaurus dinosaur had 500 teeth and it lived around 110 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. According to the scientists, it was a friendly herbivore. Its teeth were arranged in rows that helped it eat plants easily.

what dinosaur has 500 teeth

But why Nigersaurus had 500 teeth?

Now that you know what dinosaur had 500 teeth, you might be wondering, but why do they need so many teeth. Good question! Actually it used to graze grass from the land like cows and buffaloes do today. For chewing, you need fewer teeth, but for grazing, you need a large set. 

Fun fact about Nigersaurus’ 500 teeth

This dinosaur was born with a dental plan. Simply put, due to constant grazing and stripping off plants, its teeth used to wore out fast and were regularly being replaced by new ones.

What did this 500 teeth dinosaur look like?

Nigersaurus belonged to the Sauropod family of dinosaurs. And it had a long neck just like other Sauropods. 

Its head was flat and wide but small. And unlike other Sauropods, its size was much smaller. It used to be around 30 feet long. To understand it better, imagine its length to be of three cars lined up one after the other. 

what dinosaur has 500 teeth?


So, there you have it. Nigersaurus dinosaur had 500 teeth. I know it isn’t as popular as T-rex but it’s also cool and unique in its own way.

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